Scott V. Kissinger

I'm the founder of Serial Comma LLC, a lawyer by trade, and a techie at heart.

The Company Name

05 Feb 2020 » launch
serial comma in typewriter text

Typeface: Computer Modern Typewriter Text Regular

My business will involve writing. I wanted the name of my business to relate to writing. I also wanted the name to be playful and, ideally, to convey a deeper meaning to the target audience for my services.

I chose “Serial Comma”.

The name works for me on several levels. First, for those who care about writing, it will instantly communicate a degree of seriousness about the endeavor of writing. It shows not only that I know what a serial comma is but also that I care enough about it to name my company after it. Second, it playfully references one of the most divisive issues in English grammar. I hope it brings a smile to people’s faces when they see it. Third, it can serve as a hook for a business that provides several services (which will become clear later in this project). I’m pleased with the name from a branding perspective.

A business name must also satisfy two other fundamental conditions: it must be available as a company name in the jurisdiction of incorporation and it must be available as a domain name. Serial Comma met the first condition. Unfortunately, I had to compromise on the second condition. “” was registered to a domain name speculator, who wanted $200 for it. I declined as a matter of principle, choosing instead to insert a hyphen. Thus was “” born.

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