Scott V. Kissinger

I'm the founder of Serial Comma LLC, a lawyer by trade, and a techie at heart.


01 Feb 2020 » launch
hiker on mountain trail

Photo by the Author

I have decided to start a business. This blog is a journal of the steps I will take to launch the business and my learnings along the way.

I have a vision for the business, but don’t yet have a business plan. Fortunately, I have the luxury of time. This will be my business in retirement, after my ‘real’ career ends. So I will be planning for and executing the launch in a relaxed way.

Although the launch will be relaxed, I intend my preparations and learnings for each step leading to the launch to be rigorous. For example, although I will use a commercial template for the main website, I will create a mini-design system to guide me and provide consistency as I customize the template. No doubt there will be compromises along the way (because neither my patience nor my interest in each subject is infinite), but I hope to keep them to a minimum.

It is unlikely that your journey will be the same as mine—your interests will differ, your objectives will differ, and the time you have to devote to these topics will differ. I intend to write these posts in small, easily digestible chunks so you can choose the specific topics that interest you and skip the rest. Although I may address some individual topics in multiple posts that have a logical order, in general there is no need to read this blog chronologically. Whether you read only a few posts or all of them, I hope you find them useful.


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